Turnstile are a common fixture in various settings such as public transport stations, sports arenas, theme parks, and other high-traffic areas where there is a need for crowd control and security. The primary function of a turnstile is to regulate the movement of people or goods in a controlled and safe manner. Turnstiles are designed to allow authorized individuals or items to pass through while preventing unauthorized access. They are typically made of metal, wood, or plastic and feature rotating arms or doors that allow entry only to those who have a valid ticket or credential. Turnstiles play a critical role in enhancing security and controlling access to sensitive areas. By providing a physical barrier, they can prevent unauthorized access to secure facilities and protect assets from theft, vandalism, or other criminal activities. In high-security applications such as government buildings, military bases, and critical infrastructure facilities, turnstiles are an essential part of the overall security strategy. The standard is widely recognized for its rigorous testing procedures, which simulate various types of attacks, such as physical assault, drilling, cutting, and sawing. LPS 1175 ratings are given to building components, including doors, windows, and walls, and are classified based on the level […] read more